Equipment- Free Full Body Workout in Just 5 Minutes

daily exercise

Losing weight is not always the best reason for daily workout. There are plenty of other important reasons for daily exercise or to stick to the workout regimen. Any kind of physical activity or daily workout improves your health and reduces the risk of developing various diseases  like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

A daily workout, even if it is for 5 minutes, makes you feel more energetic, relieves stress, helps sleep better and makes you happy. There are days when you are strapped for time and end up missing your daily workout. There is a solution, you just need to take out 5 minutes of your busy day. Doing something is always better than nothing.

A 5 minute workout, if done consistently can get you in shape and make you fit.

Staying in shape doesn’t cost you a lot. Instead of going to gym you can always workout at home when your schedule permits and you don’t need any equipment too. You can create your 5 minute workout routine  that will help you stay fit without compromising on time.

Equipment Free Workout

How effective is a 5 minute full body workout

5 minutes daily workout can be really effective when done few times in a week. A 5 minute full body workout can boost energy, increase metabolism and several long-term changes also become visible overtime. A 5 minute intense exercise is no less effective than working out for 10 minutes or longer.

Calories burned in a 5 minute workout

According to experts, you can burn up to 20 calories per minute in a 5 minute workout if its a high-intensity interval daily workout.. An intense workout not only helps burn fat faster, but it also has the “afterburn effect” which means it can help burn fat all day.

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The 5 minute equipment-free full body workout

This 5 minute equipment-free full body workout consists of nine easy and simple moves that will raise your heart rate, shed down calories and increase your metabolic rate. The best point is that it doesn’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere; at the gym, in your home or at the park. Before you start these moves, perform some light cardio activity to raise your heartbeat and stretch the muscles.

1. Fast low-step running: Stand in front of a low step, quickly step into it and back down- right and left up, right and back down- for 30 seconds. Do it as fast as you can.

2. Basketball jumps: Similar to jumping jacks, this move requires jumping side to side. Take a long low step towards right, bend your legs, step the left foot in, and jump up with both feet as if shooting a basket. Repeat on the other side as well. Alternate between both sides for 30 seconds. The lower you bend, the higher you jump and the more calories you burn.

3. Fast feet shuffle: This move is great for toning inner and outer thighs. Start with your right foot, run three steps sideways to the right. As you take the last step of your right foot, it should stick so that you drop all your weight into that leg, and then push off and step out with your left. Count your steps like- “one , two , drop and push, one, two , drop and push”. Increase your speed as you get more comfortable with the step.

4. Jumping jacks: Stand straight with both feet together, put your arms at your sides. Jump your feet out to the sides and raise your arms above the head. Return back to position and place your arms at the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. While doing the move, jump softly and make sure your heels touch the ground.

5. Pushups on knees: Kneel on the ground and walk on your hands, keep them slightly wider than shoulder width. Put your arms straight and look directly ahead towards the floor. Keep your abs tight, bend your elbows and lower your upper body until your chest is 4 inches above the floor. Exhale while straightening your arms and return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. This is a great exercise for building upper body strength.

6. Plyometric lunge: Put your right foot forward and left foot back. Drop down into a lunge, such that when you bend both knees, they make a 90 degree angle. Pushing off with the heel of your front foot, jump and switch legs, bringing your left foot forward and right foot back. This exercise is great if you want to tone your legs and butt. Increase the speed of your jumps if you want an intense cardio workout.

7. High knees with twist: This exercise pumps up your cardiovascular system and strengthens your legs and glute. The twisting action works on the core. Run in the same place with high knees(upto hip height) and twist towards each knee at the same time.

8. In and outs: This move is great for the core while working chest and shoulders as well. To begin, lower your body and get into a pushup position. Arms should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart, arms and torso straight. Spring off on both feet towards chest and quickly jump, then back out into a full pushup extension. Repeat for 30 seconds. Increase your speed to increase the number of reps.

9. Lunge kicks: This exercise targets your legs and also works on the cardiovascular system. Bring your feet together, stand straight, keep your core tight and back flat. Step back with your right leg and lunge. As you come up, kick your right leg up. Return to the starting position and repeat the same move with the left leg.

There is absolutely no equipment required for this 5 minute total body workout routine. If you have more time, repeat these moves two or three times. Get into a daily exercise habit and incorporate healthy foods in your diet to maintain a healthy weight.